He is Faithful!

I planted the azalea pictured above nearly fourteen years ago. I was all excited as we had moved into a new home and my love for all things green made landscaping a priority. I planted three azaleas and looked forward to the beauty they would bring through the years.

Well the bounty of blooms promised twice yearly from the “encore” variety didn’t come to fruition. In fact, the plants did very little to expand beyond their original borders. No amount of water, fertilizer, sun or shade seemed enough to make these plants thrive. In fact, one actually died. My dreams for replicating the beauty of the azaleas that grace my mother’s yard quickly faded away. Out of options and ideas, I finally resolved to put my efforts elsewhere.

Well, last year, my azaleas bloomed. Nothing spectacular yet the surviving plants actually showed some signs of life. After a decade! I didn’t know what to think. These plants appeared lifeless for so long I’d forgotten what color blooms they originally promised. I’m sure I contemplated on more than one occasion to dig them up! Surprisingly, the deep magenta color is a perfect match for some phlox I’d planted nearby. The color scheme on that side of the yard looks very well orchestrated. Little do the neighbors know!

Well, a couple of days ago I walked outside to see the shrubs have tripled in width and doubled in height! What were once small dwarf sized shrubs are alive and thriving. At some point along the way, I’m pretty sure I’d prayed that these plants would live and bloom (yes, I even pray over my plants and grass). The funny thing is I’d made that petition to God so long ago, over a decade ago, that I’d completely forgotten all about it.  DSC_0043

However, God does not forget! His timing and our timing aren’t always the same, yet He is always faithful!

I like to think that if His faithfulness can apply to something as “minimal” as my landscaping, what more can God have in store for larger matters? And what prayers I have dared to pray in regard to my children!

So, if you are feeling that God hasn’t heard your prayers, He has. He hears them all large and small.

God is larger than my doubts and fears. God is greater than ASD. Through once forgotten magenta blooms, He cares and shows His love for me.

“Let us hold fast the confession of [our] hope without wavering, for He who promised [is] faithful,” Hebrews 10:23 NKJV

5 thoughts on “He is Faithful!”

  1. Oh Lilka, I really needed to hear this today my friend. To know that God is listening and hearing my prayers for my daughter. I have been very burdened and weary lately. My heart is heavy. Yet, I do know that God is in control and that good things are happening, slowly. I just have to patient and know that His timing is everything.
    As for azaleas, for some reason I’ve never been successful with them. Until one huge, beautiful one I had in a pot but removal men killed it off when they put it out in the hot Californian sun for hours, unbeknownst to me! Oh well, I won’t give up!!! Even here in azalea heaven (England!) I don’t have much success. The soil isn’t the right acidity where we live or something! Ha, one of these days I’ll get it right! Great story about yours, and again, a beautiful analogy.
    Have a beautiful weekend dear sister 🙂


  2. Hi, I am the father of a 23 year old son who is severely autistic. His name is Micah. I have written a book about being a single father raising a son with autsm, and his twin brothers. A number of publishers have shown interest but do not think I have a strong platform to promote the book. One thing they want is for my blog to have more followers. Please follow my blog and help me get “Micah’s Touch” published. Thank You, Darian http://www.darianburns.com


    1. I most definitely can do that for you! Give me a few days and I will do a re-blog on one of your posts! I can only imagine having to do it alone, I commend you and pray that God will continue to keep you. Peace!


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